Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 44 (2022)

 Day 302, Saturday, October 29th

Harper is taking a sports medicine class and is working her taping. 

Day 303, Sunday, October 30th

Presley drove to the Tri-Cities and spent the night at Grandma and Papa's.
Her and Mylee visited with Papa Berries today. 

And Ry was invited to the Seahawks/NY Giants game with his friend and her family. 
The Seahawks won today. 

Day 304, Monday, October 31st

Harper and her friends ready for trick or treating on a windy Halloween night. 

Day 305, Tuesday, November 1st

Harper received some halloween tattoos in her trick or treating bag so she put one on Rylan. 

Day 306, Wednesday, November 2nd

Ry doing a little work during his fall break. 

Day 307, Thursday, November 3rd

Harper at her volleyball tryout tonight. 
I didn't stick around to watch, but she was practicing spiking when I walked in to pick her up.  

Day 308, Friday, November 4th

Harper in control of the music on the way to school this morning. 
Already starting with the Christmas music. 

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