Sunday, October 30, 2022

Rylan 10th grade and Harper 7th grade


Rylan:  Sophomore Year

Favorite Teacher:  Mr. Heyen (PE)
Hardest class:  Biology (Mr. Kenoyer)
Loves driving to school each morning
I asked him what he was looking forward to:  "Dinner" (this was on the way to school one morning so dinner is about 9 hours away)
Then I told him during  the school year and he said "getting my license" and "playing basketball will be fun but we'll be bad."

Harper:  Seventh Grade 

Favorite teacher:  Mr. Hanson (CORE class) and writing stories in his class.
Loves playing volleyball for her school and excited for club tryouts in November.
Likes hanging out with her friends on the weekend.  They saw the movie "'Fall" together.
Plays and sings along with the song "It's Corn" by Tariq a lot in the car.
Looking forward to Christmas and being together as a family.

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