Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 41 (2022)

 Day 281, Saturday, October 8th

Ry's sophomore homecoming was tonight. 
Him and his date Allie bought matching Nike tennis shoes.

Day 282, Sunday, October 9th

Harper getting in the pool for one of the last times. 
(That's what our smoky skies looked like for most of October)

Day 283, Monday, October 10th

No soccer practice tonight due to poor air quality meant a little extra time for one final swim of the season.  The pool gets closed tomorrow. 

Day 284, Tuesday, October 11th

Dave was smelling something gross in our cabinet of Chewy treats and Harper remembered that she had made some homemade treats a few weeks ago.  
We lost a thermos tonight. 

Day 285, Wednesday, October 12th

Harper had an orthodontic appointment today and changed her bands to pink for breast cancer awareness. 

Day 286, Thursday, October 13th

After dinner electronics time. 

Day 287, Friday, October 14th

No school for Harper today meant breakfast at Wild Huckleberry.

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