Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2022)

Day 288, Saturday, October 15th

Our air quality continues to be poor so we moved our "home" soccer game to the fields in Quincy, where there were blue skies. 
We ran into Logan's old soccer coach Javier, and sent this pic to Logan. 

Day 289, Sunday, October 16th

Our annual trip to Smallwoods Farm. 
Harper's friend was able to join us. 

Day 290, Monday, October 17th

The last week of volleyball started today with a win over a Moses Lake school. 

Day 291,  Tuesday, October 18th

Sometimes you pass your husband on the way to school drop off and he's ready with a coffee for you. 

Day 292, Wednesday, October 19th

Harper was Student of the Month (Respect) for September. 
Mr. Ortega nominated her and we showed up for a surprise assembly. 
It was the first "in-person" assembly in 2 years so it was nice to get to go. 

Day 293, Thursday, October 20th

Harper (setting the ball) for her final game today vs. Cashmere Middle School 7th graders. 

Day 294, Friday, October 21st

Presley came home today for the weekend.
Ry made sure she knew she's been missed. 


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