Sunday, February 27, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 8 (2022)

 Day 50, Saturday, February 19th

Presley's pageant night ended perfectly--An Apple Blossom Princess

Day 51, Sunday, February 20th

Logan FaceTimed with Presley after staying up til 1 AM to watch the ending of the pageant.  
He asked her if she had taken her crown off and Presley told him she had slept in it. 

A princess on her 1/2 birthday
( she had a brunch with last year's royalty)

Day 52, Monday, February 21st

Presley's first official duties--a day of radio and TV interviews

Day 53, Tuesday, February 22nd

Rylan starts soccer next week and may try out for goalie. 
He's wearing Logan's old jersey and shoes. 

Day 54, Wednesday, February 23rd


Day 55, Thursday, February 24th

I dropped Ry off at the corner to run home and he needed a pick up halfway home. 

Day 56, Friday, February 25th

The Lions Club Luncheon for the Apple Blossom Royalty and their parents. 
I didn't have a picture with them and the emcees from pageant night so I got one today. 

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