Sunday, February 27, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2022)

 Day 8, Saturday, January 8th

Harper received LED lights for Christmas and Dave hung them around her room today. 
She was having a little dance party in there. 

Day 9, Sunday, January 9th

Harper using a Lacrosse stick to remove snow off the trampoline. 
Wenatchee had record breaking snow fall this last week. 

Day 10, Monday, January 10th

Logan's flights back to college were cancelled because of the snow so we got to spend a couple extra days with him.

Day 11, Tuesday, January 11th

Harper is playing school basketball and has to take a COVID test 3 times a week with a negative result to continue to play and practice.  

Day 12, Wednesday, January 12th

Harper climbing over the snow hills to get to my car after school. 

Day 13, Thursday, January 13th

Harper at gymnastics tonight. 

Day 14, Friday, January 14th

Rylan plays DJ in the morning on the way to school. 
This morning's selection:  Justin Timberlake "Suit and Tie"

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