Friday, December 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49 (2021)

 Day 337, Friday, December 3rd

Presley received her acceptance letter to Seattle Pacific University today. 

Day 338, Saturday, December 4th

Ry had some family at his game in Zillah tonight. 
They lost, and Ry had 10 points.  

Day 339, Sunday, December 5th

Harper and Presley had tickets to see the Stage Kids' Production of Elf today. 

Day 340, Monday, December 6th

Presley has received a couple of Christmas postcards from schools she's been accepted to. 

Day 341, Tuesday, December 7th

Playing Superman in the middle of Christmas mess. 

Day 342, Wednesday, December 8th

Papa Berries 90th birthday today.
(This pic was from Thanksgiving)

He spent some time at Grandma and Papa Kreider's house installing the electrical work for their new hot tub this week.

Day 343, Thursday, December 9th

Presley made me a waffle this morning and ran it out to me as I was driving away. 

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