Friday, December 31, 2021

Christmas Day


Waiting patiently on the stairs for Grandma and Papa Nelson to show up. 

Racing up the stairs to get the first peeks. 

We opened presents and stockings and had a nice big breakfast together. 
Grandma and Papa left and we got ready to go to the Tri-Cities. 

While we were driving I loved getting texts on our family group chat of some of my faves in Christmas jammies.
Alyson matched her present. 
Shane flew in this afternoon, and they opened presents then. 

Cristy's puppers--Rookie and Geezer

And Juan and Holly in matching PJ's too :)

Grandma and Papa Kreider

Miryn and Ry waiting to open presents. 

A hot tub robe for Dave 

Cute cousins

Dad and Grandma

I found some awesome White Christmas "Sisters, Sisters" wrapping paper.  
Amy was quick to notice it. 

Cristy came over just in time to take our family stocking picture. 

Ry and Logan used the hot tub. 
And dad and Papa too 

Another wonderful Christmas Day!

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