Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 30 (2021)

 Day 204, Friday, July 23rd

Harper wanted to FaceTime with Logan to show him how she has been taking care of his plants. 
Talking and encouraging him he just has one week left and then can come home. 

Day 205, Saturday, July 24th

These 2 went to the Farmers Market with me. 
They were waiting inline for ice cream. 

Day 206, Sunday, July 25th

Summer Swim

Day 207, Monday, July 26th

An evening moped ride

Day 208, Tuesday, July 27th

I dropped these two off at the top of the driveway to bring down our garbage cans and they walk super slow so that I won't beat them. 

Day 209, Wednesday, July 28th

A friend's summer birthday celebration. 

Day 210, Thursday, July 29th

Harper's last day of summer school. 

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