Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2021)

 Day 190, Friday, July 9th

We had a night out in Leavenworth.  
We ate dinner at Wok About and then played miniature golf. 

Day 191, Saturday, July 10th

Dave and Logan watched the mcGregor vs. Poirier UFC fight live tonight. 
Ry and Harper acted out the introductions. 
McGregor broke his ankle and lost. 

Day 192, Sunday, July 11th

Playing some VR games tonight. 

Day 193, Monday, July 12th

Taking direction from his soccer coach

Day 194, Tuesday, July 13th

Presley was leaving to hang out with friends and discovered this crazy plume of smoke out our front window.   Not good at all. 

Day 195, Wednesday, July 14th

4 AM picture taken in our back yard. 

5 AM--picture taken at the top of our driveway. 

Day 196, Thursday, July 15th

Since it smelled like a campfire outside and the air was hazy/smoky, we decided to make s'mores tonight. 

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