Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2021)

 Day 183, Friday, July 2nd

A perfect hot evening for a night swim. 

Day 184, Saturday, July 3rd

This was probably 9 AM--Presley ready to head to work, and Ry just waking up in his snuggly. 

Day 185, Sunday, July 4th

4th of July, as Harper and I were leaving to head to the Tri-Cities. 

Day 186, Monday, July 5th

70th birthday today!
We stopped for tea in Post Falls before spending the day in Coeur d'Alene. 

Day 187, Tuesday, July 6th

Blue Spoon after soccer practice tonight. 

Day 188, Wednesday, July 7th

Evening reading before bed. 

Day 189, Thursday, July 8th

Playing Five Crowns together.  
Harper is pretty good at this game. 

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