Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Six Weeks with Logan

 Logan's shortened summer break started at the beginning of May and ended June 5th, with his research project beginning June 7th.  

He'll get one more 2 week break at the beginning of August before returning for soccer training on August 16th and the fall semester beginning August 23rd.  

I think he appreciated his own bed, his own space,  his car, working out again, eating healthy and having access to quality food,  time with his friends, loving on Chewy, and maybe he liked spending time with all of us too :)

Packed up on May 2nd, ready to come home. 
Dave said they passed the girls getting ready to go home with boxes and crates of string lights and furry rugs and framed pictures and bulletin boards and they asked Logan "is that everything?".  Yep, they packed up in one trip. Ha ha.  
(This wasn't for lack of effort on my part--I was all ready to decorate his room in January.  I"m quite certain Presley will give me a different experience)

The first all 4 photo I have once Logan returned. 

He was right back on track with working out and following his diet plan. 

Mother's Day week-end. 
Everyone was so excited and ready to see him and talk to him. 

He took Rylan and Harper on a hike up Castlerock

He can still flip Harper off his shoulders.

Lots of swimming and hot tubbing

Watching videos

Spike Ball

He definitely missed Chewy too. 

The game that Dave bought that you throw suction arrows to a target on my windows. 

Saw Presley off to her Junior Prom

Made s'mores with us. 


Watched Harper's Shrub Steppe play via YouTube

Our day at Lake Chelan Waterslides

He dropped a weight bar on his big toe during workout one day. 
We thought it might be broken, but it was not and it's healing nicely. He did lose the big toe nail eventually. 

A quick trip to the Trip-Cities to visit some family Logan hadn't seen yet. 

June 4th.  The last picture of all 4 before Logan left the next morning. 

Leaving on a jet plane....June 5th, Pangborn Airport

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