Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2021)

 Day 169, Friday, June 18th

Mom and I  left Ry and Miryn at the park while we ran into a store. 
When we drove up, they ran to us all red faced and sweaty, and needing a snow cone. 
When we got back home, Miryn fessed up that they had tricked us...they had splashed a little water on their faces to look sweaty so that Grandma would buy them a treat. 

Day 170, Saturday, June 19th

Presley and Harper had tickets to see the Stage Kids production of "Wizard of Oz". 
During the week, their Instagram was posting pictures of the same production 6 years earlier. 
We found one with Presley in her barrister costume. 

Day 171, Sunday, June 20th

Happy Father's Day

Day 172, Monday, June 21st

Harper and Ry were in a basketball camp this week. 
I had signed them up for overnight Camp Zanika for the summer of 2020, but that was cancelled, and now Ry is not interested in attending that one. 
This is the only local camp that worked for both of their age groups.  

Day 173, Tuesday, June 22nd

Parents are not allowed to stay in the gym and watch so they upload a bunch of pictures and videos on Instagram at the end of the day.  I spy Harper watching the shot. 

Day 174, Wednesday, June 23rd

Rylan won a couple of the camp's games today. 

Day 175, Thursday, June 24th

We dropped the kids off at their camp, and Presley was working today so we went out for breakfast at Wild Huckleberry. 

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