Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What a year! Harper and Ry's Last Days of School

Rylan's last day of school was Thursday, June 10th
He plays DJ in the mornings and played these 2 songs this morning:

In the middle school drop off line for the last time, mask on and attestation form filled out. 
The school had a short field day prior to the 8th grade ceremony so he didn't dress up like Logan and Presley did.  

The 8th grade promotion ceremony was streamed live on-line and Dave and I were both able to watch it that morning.  
Ry received academic awards in science, reading, and math. 

When I picked him up from school, we went to eat lunch together at the Hot Rod Cafe. 
A chili dog for Rylan. 

Showing Dave all of his awards. 

Each 8th grader received a high school t-shirt, and he wore his the rest of the day.

The Nelson 8th grade graduates:

Harper's last day of 5th grade was Friday, June 11th. 

This ceremony was actually supposed to be in-person, but a student in the other class had a positive COVID test, and exposed 23 students during their one and only field trip to the middle school earlier this week.  Harper was not exposed as she was on a different bus and in a different field trip pod (so it was easy for the district to prove that she always maintained 6 feet of distance).  
So, the district made the decision to move the 5th grade promotion to an online live event so that the kids who needed to quarantine at home could still be a part of the ceremony.  There were lots of disappointed students and parents!   

Heading into her elementary school as a student for the last time. 

Her school picture that flashed across the screen as they announced each student's name. 

Our view while watching online...Harper 2nd row on the right. 

The 2 5th grade classes that were in person that day. 
Many were home in quarantine, watching online too. 

All four at their 5th grade promotions:

Ry was invited to a couple of 8th grade parties 
His Cashmere group of friends (June 12th, 2021). 

And I thought it was so sweet that the Foothills 8th graders also wanted him at their party too, even though he didn't attend their same school this year (June 15, 2021).  
Such a special time!


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