Monday, March 30, 2020

St. Patrick's Day and Social Distancing

St. Patrick's Day was also our first official day of social distancing. 
There will be no school until April 27th, so we've got 6 weeks to figure this out. 
I'm sure there will be good and bad days, and I've got to get into a rhythm, but today went fine. 

Our leprechaun used the bathroom. 

And left some green goodies and gold coins. 

The kids wrestled a bit, 
played Hullabaloo, 
and did some youtube dance videos. 

It was a nice, sunny day so we went for a walk too. 
(I didn't pose them like this, Harper was leading the pack across the street0
Harper also tripped over the curb shortly after this and cried the rest of the way home. 

And we ended the night, after texting within the house, on McD's Shamrock McFlurries. 
( I wonder how many things Dad will try to get out of due to "social distancing")

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