Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 52 (2019)

Day 358, Tuesday, December 24th
Ready for Santa in our new Christmas jammies

Day 359, Wednesday, December 25th
Christmas with the Nelson's

Day 360, Thursday, December 26th
Ry had a 3 day basketball camp at Wenatchee Valley College

Day 361, Friday, December 27th
Dave and Harper took Presley's car to the kids' basketball tournament in Lewiston.

Day 362, Saturday, December 28th
Logan and Archie at Grandma and Papa's
The tournament finished this morning and they drove to the Tri-Cities to stay the night. 
Ry and Harper joined them for the Kreider/Legard Christmas on Sunday. 

Day 363, Sunday, December 29th
The grandkids with the grandparents. 

Day 364, Monday, December 30th
Ry and Logan playing with Ry's new Star Wars drone.

Day 365, Tuesday, December 31st
Ready for 2020!

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