Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Family Nights: Gingerbread houses and Looking at Lights

Presley and Ry were on Team #1

Logan and Harper were Team #2

Logan did a lot of the work and Harper did a lot of taste testing....

Team #1
Presley and Rylan's "Red and White" themed gingerbread house. 

Team #2
Logan and Harper's "Winter Wonderland" themed gingerbread house. 

Our fair and impartial judge Nelson

Presley and Ry won by one point

We went on a Wenatchee tour of lights

We put on our jammies, bought cocoas at Starbucks and drove around

The Nelson's winner

We call this lit up star "Stubby Star" because of its short legs :)
We laugh every time. It's so silly. 

And then we came home and Dave and Logan watched Christmas Vacation

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