Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 44 (2019)

Day 302, Tuesday, October 29th
Presley had a group of friends over tonight to watch "It". 
She played on her phone during the movie. 

Day 303, Wednesday, October 30th
No school today meant a trip to Smallwoods. 

Day 304, Thursday, October 31st
Happy Halloween from Little Red Riding Hood and the Lumberjack.

Day 305, Friday, November 1st
I passed Harper as I was headed out for our annual Portland trip. 

Day 306, Saturday, November 2nd
Making our way home with a very full car. 

Day 307. Sunday, November 3rd
Logan's last game in club soccer. 
A long travel day all the way to Vancouver. 
They tied 3-3.

Day 308, Monday, November 4th
I helped out with the Harvest Luncheon for Rylan's school, and I snuck out to say hi to Ry at his lunchtime. 

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