Thursday, November 7, 2019

Halloween 2019

The kids did not have school today as it was conference week. 
I finished up all the conferences today...Logan, Presley, and Harper!
I had done Rylan's on Wednesday evening. 

A small Halloween goodie for them. 
No one won on their scratch tickets this year. 

After conferences I took these three to get their flu shot. 

Presley left to go spend the evening with friends. 
They went to Scary Ranch and then they did a little trick or treating. 
She stayed the night at a friends house. 

We had this for dinner. 
Logan teased me that I had forgotten pumpkin pizza!

Earlier this week, Rylan wasn't too sure that he wanted to go out trick or treating. 
I told him he could be a lumberjack if he decided to. 
The hat and suspenders belong to Logan. 
Those are his winter boots.
And he had the flannel and the hatchet is his from Christmas. 
It was a perfect match for Little Red Riding Hood.

Ry didn't end up trick or treating with us...he went to a friend's costume party. 

Just one lonely trick or treater out with me tonight. 
She was a little sad Ry wasn't with her. 
I was telling her that when she's in 7th grade she might not want to walk around with me, but rather hang out with her group of friends. 
She responded, "Why do we have to grow up so quickly?"

We went around our neighborhood and ended with our own house. 
She had to give a kiss before she got a treat here. 

She sorted all her candy before agreeing to give any away. 

The Sorensen boys were 2 knights and a dragon. 

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