Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Basketball, Coaching, and Debate Tourney

Dave was in San Diego this weekend, but we still had lots of activities to do!

On Friday, Rylan left for an overnight trip to Seattle for his first debate tournament. 
(They made it.  He went with a debate team friend and his dad)

Their competition was on Saturday and Rylan placed 7th out of 28 in the Storybook portion!!!
(I have no idea what that means exactly except Ry was pleased with that)
He did not like the impromptu round.

On Friday night, Harper had a friend stay the night and Presley and I took them to see Matilda, the all-district musical for this year. 
Harper's great friend is playing Matilda. 

Waiting for the show to start, they were playing with my phone. 

(Kate is signing her program after the show.

Presley has a few friends in the show too. 

Another one of Harper's friends. 

Harper had a game on Saturday morning and because Dave was gone, Presley coached the team. 

We found some of her friends after the game. 

Dave made it home on Saturday at midnight. 
We played a morning round of Go Fish with Logan. 

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