Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rylan's 7th grade Tennis Picture

This was Rylan's first year of playing tennis and he really liked it. 

Rylan had to take a bus from his school, picked up another school's tennis players and rode the bus to practice at the WRAC.  And then I picked up at 5:00 at the end of practice.
On the first day of tennis, we weren't sure which bus he was supposed to take so I asked him to find out and then text me to let me know he was headed to the WRAC.
(I really only meant for this first day so I knew he had found which bus to ride)

For the next 6 weeks, Monday thru Friday, right at 2:50, I received a text from Rylan...

He misspelled WRAC every single day.
(Wenatchee Raquet and Athletic Club) 

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