Friday, October 25, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 40 (2019)

Day 274, Tuesday, October 1st
An early season snowfall left a pretty view down our street. 

Day 275, Wednesday, October 2nd
Rylan and his teammates have to return the goals and lock them up at the end of practice. 

Day 276, Thursday, October 3rd
Ordered Logan's graduation announcements, cap and gown today.  Yikes!

Day 277, Friday, October 4th
Watched Rylan play tennis this afternoon. 

Day 278, Saturday, October 5th
Rylans game in Spokane today. They lost 2-1.  Ry had the assist on the goal. 

Day 279, Sunday, October 6th
All in the same car for family pictures today. 

Day 280, Monday, October 7th
Harper and Dave taking an evening swim. 

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