Thursday, October 31, 2019

Carving Pumpkins

2019 Smallwoods

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 43 (2019)

Day 295, Tuesday, October 22nd
Partner Yoga

Day 296, Wednesday, October 23rd
Back to Back Homecoming Volleyball Champs

Day 297, Thursday, October 24th
Playing on the bike rack while waiting for math club pick up. 

Day 298, Friday, October 25th
Harper passed her gymnastics assessment and was moved up to the next group. 

Day 299, Saturday, October 26th
Homecoming for these 2

Day 300, Sunday, October 27th
Waiting for Rylan's game to begin

Day 301, Monday, October 28th
After school tickles

Presley's Homecoming

Senior Homecoming

Oozma Kaapa! Back to Back Champs (lots of pics)


It was another fun night watching the Oozma Kaapa team win the homecoming buff puff volleyball championship. 

They played another senior team right off the bat. 

Logan coming over to us at the end to tell us that team has been talking smack all week long. 

Harper talking to the ref about her Halloween headband. 

Talking with one of his coaches.
Photo cred:  K.G. 
Logan was the "setter" this year. 
But he did great serving...
And he got a couple of awesome spikes too!
Photo Cred.:  K.G.

The won the "Dig It" team to get into the championship game. 
This team had lots of the high school's soccer team. 

They ran through the Oozma Kaapa sign when they announced the team for the championship game. 
Logan, arms outstretched. 
 (I knew they had made a sign and would run through it, but I didn't know what was coming next)...
They all ripped off their tee's to reveal their white tank tops. 
Photo Cred:  K.G. 

Running out the Buff Puff Volleyball Trophy
They beat the sophomore team for the win. 
Champions 2019

With his coaches Kaylee and Maddi

Biggest Fans!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Harper's 4th grade Fall Soccer Picture

Another great season of soccer for Harper. 

Rylan's 7th grade Tennis Picture

This was Rylan's first year of playing tennis and he really liked it. 

Rylan had to take a bus from his school, picked up another school's tennis players and rode the bus to practice at the WRAC.  And then I picked up at 5:00 at the end of practice.
On the first day of tennis, we weren't sure which bus he was supposed to take so I asked him to find out and then text me to let me know he was headed to the WRAC.
(I really only meant for this first day so I knew he had found which bus to ride)

For the next 6 weeks, Monday thru Friday, right at 2:50, I received a text from Rylan...

He misspelled WRAC every single day.
(Wenatchee Raquet and Athletic Club) 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2019)

Day 288, Tuesday, October 15th
Logan asked Kaylee to homecoming today. 
(Presley was asked too, but the picture she sent me was really grainy)

Day 289, Wednesday, October 16th
Harper's end of the year soccer party. 

Day 290, Thursday, October 17th
Evening snuggles with Logan and Harper. 

Day 291, Friday, October 18th
The Foothills band got to stand in the bleachers with the high school band tonight and play with them. 
They stood right next to the student section so Presley took this picture.
Logan led the student section in a Rylan cheer..."when I say Rylan, you say Nelson"
Presley said the whole student section chanted that a couple of times. 

Day 292, Saturday, October 19th
A game in Richland today meant a big cheering crowd for Ry!
They did lose 7-2. 

Day 293, Sunday, October 20th
Rylan WINS today, 5-3.  He had one goal and one assist. 

Day 294, Monday, October 21st
Bringing Rylan down and tickling him tonight. 

Week-End Recap

The kids had a 3 day week-end. 
Which meant Harper and Rylan opted to have a sleepover downstairs. 
(Thursday, October 10th)

Presley had her wisdom teeth removal on Friday morning. 
Hot Mess....Lots of tears and confusion as she came off out of the anesthesia. 

Dave and Ry dropped off Presley and I at the surgeon's office, Dave dropped off Ry at an optional tennis tournament (he placed 3rd in singles), and then Dave came back to the surgeon's office to help me with Presley.  We got Presley's medicine, took her home, and got her settled and then I came back to Rylan's tournament in time to see the last couple of matches.  He's really improved this short season. 

And then on Friday night, Rylan and his soccer teammates (and Harper and I as chaperones) went to see The Addam's Family movie. 

Harper had her last soccer game of the season on Saturday morning. 
She played against one of her classmates. 

Logan, Harper, and I worked on Logan's Homecoming sign. 

And Presley's friend came over on Saturday evening with ice cream and The Notebook to spend some time with a recovering Presley. 

Dave and Logan went to see The Joker this weekend.

Ry had a home game on Sunday and he played really well.  He had one goal and 2 assists. 
High Fives for Dave and Harper

And it was the first AAU tryout today too. 
The time was so close to his soccer game, he took off his shin guards and cleats, and put on his basketball shoes and was ready to play. 

And the Legard's walked the Alzheimer's Walk in the Tri-Cities this afternoon. 
And we took a family swim, knowing this could be our last for the season.