Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2019)

Day 190, Tuesday, July 9th
Logan was at the University of Portland's College ID camp and he was asked to train with the college team for their official practice in the evening.  
He's the tall one on the right.
Dave said he looked really good. 

Day 191, Wednesday, July 10th
Dave and Logan are in Oregon and Presley and Harper were at acting camp so Ry and I went to breakfast at The Huckleberry. 

Day 192, Thursday, July 11th
I dropped Ry and his friend off at Gonzaga University for 4 days at their basketball camp.  

Day 193, Friday, July 12th
Harper's first performance for her play, "Journey of the Noble Gnarble"

Day 194, Saturday, July 13th
Logan and Dave travelled further south to Oregon State's ID camp in Corvallis. 
This is their indoor facility!  Pretty amazing campus!
(Logan is in a white top, in the goal)

Day 195, Sunday, July 14th
Ry making a lay in shot in a win for his camp's team. 
He played one game today before heading home. 

Day 196, Monday, July 15th
Playing "Crack the Egg" tonight. 

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