Monday, July 8, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 27 (2019)

Day 183, Tuesday, July 2nd
Harper has a friend that moved into the neighborhood. 
I love that they walk back and forth between our houses. 

Day 184, Wednesday, July 3rd
Harper and Ry had playdates with their friends, who are also brother and sister. 

Day 185, Thursday, July 4th
Happy Fourth of July 

Day 186, Friday, July 5th
Practicing front flips on the trampoline. 

Day 187, Saturday, July 6th
Logan had a soccer camp at Seattle University.  
The boys had tickets to go see the Colossus Cup at Century Link Field tonight. 

Day 188, Sunday, July 7th
All of us met up in Seattle to see the production of Wicked at the Paramount Theatre. 
Logan's soccer camp finished about the same time so we met to say hi to him too before they left for the next soccer camp in Portland. 

Day 189, Monday, July 8th
Presley and Harper are doing a Stage Kids camp together. 
Presley is a teen helper and Harper has a solo singing part. 
They were practicing tonight. 

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