Thursday, June 27, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2019)

Day 169, Tuesday, June 18th
Presley needed to practice backing around a corner and parking. 
She told me she thought she was getting close to the curb. 
We worked on this and she's got it down now.

Day 170, Wednesday, June 19th
Wacky Wednesday Dress Up for Harper's basketball camp today. 

Day 171, Thursday, June 20th
Winning the warm up sprints at soccer practice. 

Day 172, Friday, June 21st
Harper's last day of basketball camp. 

Day 173, Saturday, June 22nd
We went to Harper's friends' dance recital tonight. 

Day 174, Sunday, June 23rd
Spike Ball this afternoon. 

Day 175, Monday, June 24th
Ry at his soccer camp this morning. 

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