Thursday, June 27, 2019

Last Day of School (June 13th and June 14th)

Logan and Presley are officially a Senior and Sophomore. 
Their last day of school was Thursday, June 13th.
(Well, they had to go to school on Friday if they had a final or late homework to turn in.  Logan did go to return some overdue library books)

6 hours away from being a Senior!
Rylan photobombing!

This might be the last day they'll drive to school together. 

And Ry and Harper's last day was on June 14th. 
(The older kids were not waking up early to take a pic)

June 13th drop offs...

Hoping for a magical, unforgettable summer but also trying to be enjoy the simple things like patio dinners, warm, late nights, runs for ice cream, pool noodle wars, yard Yahtzee, bike rides, play dates, and sleep overs in each other's rooms. 

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