Sunday, May 13, 2018

Track and Teeth

Sunnyslope held their track meet on Wednesday, May 9th. 

Rylan ran the 200, the 75 yard dash, and was part of the 5th grade relay team. 
He also did the running long jump.  

Dave has had time to be one of the parent coaches so he was there as a timer at this meet. 

This was right before his 200 meter run. 
He placed 2nd. 

His relay team took first place.
He took first place in the 75 yard dash. 
He's not sure how he did in the long jump. 

Harper stayed after school today to watch the meet. 
She went off to play tetherball, and got called over to run a relay. 
The girl's relay team left her so Harper and Kate took their places. 
They had never practiced a baton hand off before, but they did so good as second graders and helped this third grader place 2nd. 
Harper was so pleased with herself.

The city track meet is on Thursday, May 17th

But later that evening we found out that Rylan has a great future as a baseball hitter. 
Harper was pitching balls to him and he hit a line drive that she stopped with her mouth. 
I was taking Presley to Stage Kids and Dave called me and told me to turn around, and that Harper's front tooth was dangling. 

It was.  Mouths bleed a lot. 
We loaded her up, Logan took Presley to acting, Ry was very upset, and we started heading to the emergency room. 
Dave thought to call the dentist, and even though it was after hours, the message had an emergency contact. We called that and had to leave a message but he got right back to us and told us not to bother going to the ER and to head straight to their office.  He would meet us there. 
He also asked us to text a picture. 

We beat him to his office, but he was pretty quick to arrive. 
Harper was so calm and still, and wasn't even crying.  
She was shaking quite a bit though. 
They immediately gave her nitrous oxide, and that relaxed her very quickly. 
And then they gave her a shot (dentists use long needles).
I don't know the whole process to place that tooth back but she required a wire brace across her 4 front teeth for stabilization. 
And we'll follow up with x-rays in 2, 4, and 6 weeks.  
That bump in her bottom lip is where her tooth gouged through. 
Our dentist must have sent out a help needed text with her name saying she would be an after hours emergency.
One of his nurses who lives in Leavenworth, and loves our kids drove to help assist.  
She told me that the nurses "fight" over who gets to take the Nelson kids back when we have our annual appointments.  
(They probably say that to everyone, but in that moment it sure meant a lot). 
We got home about 9:15 with all her teeth and a nice fat lip.  
Ry was so distraught and I was very worried about his little heart. He loves Harper so much and she was quick to give him a hug when we got home.  She had picked out a little toy from the dentists' treasure box and gave it to him. 

Thursday, 5/9/18

She stayed home from school on Thursday, but went back on Friday. 
She is on a soft foods diet so I joined her for lunch and brought her a baked potato and a smoothie. 

Her lip looks almost healed now.  She still has that bump inside her lip, but she's eating better. 

Ry's got a great hit for sure, but Harper needs to work on her slider!

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