Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2018)

Day 141, Monday, May 21st
It was Ry's turn for the Shrub-Steppe Cafe 5th grade play.
He was cast as the same sagebrush as Logan. 
Logan (May 2013)

Presley as the deer mouse (May 2015)

Day 142, Tuesday, May 22nd
Presley's district wide choir and band concert at the high school. 

Day 143, Wednesday, May 23rd
Rylan tuning up for his district wide strings concert at the high school.

Day 144, Thursday, May 24th
Logan had to do an observation for sports medicine. 
He ended up in the operating room watching a knee surgery. 
He didn't pass out. 

Day 145, Friday, May 25th
Wisdom Teeth Gone!

Day 146, Saturday, May 26th
We ventured out to see an evening showing of Han Solo. 

Day 147, Sunday, May 27th
Presley and I did a hair mask tonight and Dave rinsed it out for us. 

Wisdom Teeth

Logan had his wisdom teeth removed on Friday, May 25th.

The nurses said that things went smoothly, except that Logan passed out when they were putting in his IV.  
She said they were talking about soccer and all of a sudden he was hunched over in the chair. 

According to Logan, things did not go well back there with the nurses. 

He calls them "total bitches" and claims they've chopped his tongue off. 

I was thankful that Dave was there. 
I don't know if I could have helped Logan into the car and buckled him up. 

But once he was in, we had fun video'ing him.

He's always ready for a smile.  
He was mostly worried about his tongue...he thought it had been chopped off. 

And he also doesn't think that I'm his best friend, "definitely".

And when Harper got him, she was his little nurse for the rest of the evening. 

His recovery has been really smooth so far. 

Stage Kids: Aladdin

Presley's final show for Stage Kids was the production of Aladdin. 

She was cast as a harem girl in February, and just recently found out what exactly a harem girl is.  ha ha!

There were 2 full casts for this show. 
She was part of Cast A and performed on Thursday and Sunday.
(Cast B's shows were on Friday and Sunday)

I thought her cast photo was so beautiful. 

Her dress rehearsal on the Monday before her Thursday's performance. 
After her matinee performance I stopped for a late lunch/early dinner at Red Robin. 
She wrote an advertisement for the show on their chalkboard. 

Thursday night was opening night. 
I was so thankful Grandma, Papa, Papa Berries, Alyson, and Harper were able to be there. 
I didn't know until right before the opening that Presley was going to win the Gypsy Robe Award. 
Alyson saved the day for me!

Grace is one of the assistant directors for the show. 

Her fun group of harem girls. 

Opening Night audience members. 
(Not Ry, he was at soccer tryouts tonight)

Very loved producers!
Cousins on the magic carpet!

We went to see her Saturday matinee performance. 
We had front row seats. 
This show was probably my favorite!
The announcement of the Gypsy Robe winner. 

Harem girls' final bow

Sunnyslope friends since kindergarten

Grandma and Papa Nelson came to her final Saturday evening performance. 

A special Thursday: District Track and Gypsy Robe

Thursday May 17th was one for the memory book!

I knew this Thursday was going to be a bit crazy. 
Presley had her school matinee performance.
Ry had his district track meet at the high school.
Then he had soccer team try outs that evening. 
And Presley had her opening night for Aladdin.
And Dad was in Philadelphia for the night!

Ry competed in 3 events. 
The relay team, the 75 yard dash, and the 200 run. 
His 5th grade track buddies.

This was the relay race and he was sizing up (and smiling at) the competition. 
He recognized some friends that he'd be running against.  
His team took 1st place out of all the schools. 

This was the 200 run and  Ry placed 2nd in his heat.  
There were several heats and I think I heard his name as 4th or 5th place out of all the individual participants. 

And this was his 75 yard dash. 
There were several heats of this race too, and I know he took 2nd in his heat by coming from behind to beat the boy in blue.  But I don't think his individual time placed him in the top 8 district wide.

It was a hot, hot day. 
After this, I quickly drove to meet up with Grandma, Papa, Papa Berries, and Alyson. 
I dropped off Harper with them to eat dinner and then they went to Presley's opening night of Aladdin. 

I was off to drop off Rylan at his soccer try out. 

And I received this text/video from assistant director.

So I quickly texted Alyson and she video-ed it live for me. 
And I was so so thankful for a technological savvy niece!

And here's Alyson's live video!

And my text to Dave, who was flying home from Philadelphia. 

After the show I got a picture of our Gypsy Robe winner and her two producers, Mrs. Bromiley and Mrs. McCormick. 

Mrs. McCormick announces the recipient at each performance so I knew we'd get to see it live from the front row on Saturday. 

My friend Amy's daughter Ava won the robe for Cast B the next day.