Monday, April 30, 2018

Spring Break 2018

We had a wonderful spring break even though we were missing Dave and Presley. 

On Monday, April 2nd we ate our dinner while watching the NCAA championship game. 
Villanova won Michigan this year. 

We played Chubby Bunny while stuffing our mouth full of marshmallows. 

We face-timed with Presley every day. 

Rylan and Harper participated in a 4 day hiking/adventure camp. 
They both really enjoyed it and made a new friend. 

Harper also did a 3 day soccer camp at Wenatchee Valley College.

We went out for a FroYo treat. 

Harper watched Rylan's soccer practice from the open sunroof.

Logan helped Harper with her dance routines. 
I took Logan out to breakfast at the Wild Huckleberry while Ry and Harper were at hiking camp. 

Logan had 2 soccer games over spring break. 
He played Davis there and won 4-0, and played Pasco at home and won 3-2.

On Thursday, Logan drove us in his jeep to the Tri-Cities. 

Mylee and Logan wanted car pictures together (like Alyson did with her cousin).

We invited Papa Berries to get a couple pictures too because they're both driving jeeps right now. 
He didn't know that Logan had a jeep and when we drove up, he told Logan, "You know I have two cars."  (Papa kept his Subaru too).   So witty!

We met up with Miryn and swam at Papa's pool.
Logan choo-choo'ed all around the pool.

I came up on Friday and they were playing Sequence.

We went to the mall and I bought them some Korean rice ice????? that was served in dry ice. 

Grandma and I took you to the trampoline park

We visited Tricia, Lincoln, and Finn

Dad and Presley made it home about 2 AM on Saturday morning. 
Harper and Ry were so excited to see P!
And they all received little souvenirs from her trip. 

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