Sunday, April 29, 2018

Easter Weekend

This Easter was an odd one for our family.
No coordinating outfits, Easter baskets, egg coloring, egg hunt, or traveling to visit family.
We were on opposite ends of the coasts, in two different countries. 

Dave and Presley began their 7 day, 8th grade East Coast Trip. 
They left on Friday night at 11:30 to take a bus to Seattle for an early morning flight to Philadelphia. 
That's where they were for Saturday and Sunday. 

And Rylan, Logan, Harper, and I were in the Surrey/Langley, Canada area for a soccer tournament for both Ry and Logan. 

Harper, Ry and I left on Thursday evening as his first game was at noon on Friday. 
We stayed the night in Burlington before heading across the border on Friday morning. 

Presley waited approximately 4 minutes before I received her first text. <3

Rylan's team won their Friday game 2-1. 
He had one assist and a free kick for a goal in this game. 

We had a few hours after the game before the team dinner so we found Alyson's old college, Trinity Western University.

I don't think I was supposed to let Rylan swim but I decided to let them use the hotel pool tonight.

Logan's PASS Academy tournament didn't start until his first game on Saturday so he was able to play for his high school team on Friday night against Moses Lake.  They won 2-1. 
Photo Credit:  Kelly Gillin

Kelly e-mailed these pictures to us a couple weeks later.

Saturday, March 31st

Rylan had another game on Saturday morning.  
They lost this game, but Ry played well. 

Logan had a game in Moses Lake on Friday night, so he drove to Canada on Saturday morning with another teammates family before his first game at 1. 

Logan and Ry's fields were about 30 minutes from each other, and I missed the first 10 minutes of Logan's first game. His team lost though. 

Logan had another game at 5 tonight, and they lost but I thought he played a lot better, just looked more relaxed. 
The two goalkeepers in red. 

Logan took a hard shot to his shins (why don't shin guards work on him?).
We iced this through the night and the swelling went way down by Sunday morning. 

I rolled over to turn the lights off tonight and Harper was doing creepy mouse on Logan's back. 

Easter Sunday

Rylan and Logan each had one game. 
They both lost today. 

Ry taking a corner kick.
His PASS Academy teammates

We left Canada and stopped for a late lunch at Tim Horton's.

We had a little wait at the border. 
The last time we were in Canada Presley named this grassy area between the US and Canada, Presley Land.  We took a picture for her to let her know she had visitors :).

I was not expecting to move very, very slowly over Steven's Pass because of this late snowfall. 
Sure didn't feel like Easter while I was driving in this.
We made it home about 8. 

Sunday in Philadelphia...

You know Dave wouldn't miss a chance to make his daughter recreate the Rocky run!

Luckily, I received a few Easter pictures today...
Finn and Lincoln

Miryn and Alyson
Mylee, Alyson, and Miryn

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