Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 14 (2018)

Day 92, Monday, April 2nd
Harper discovered a note that Presley left for her. 

Day 93, Tuesday, April 3rd
A little partner dance routine

Day 94, Wednesday, April 4th
Logan had a game against Pasco today. 

Day 95, Thursday, April 5th
Breakfast date with Logan while Rylan and Harper were at their spring break hiking camp. 

Day 96. Friday, April 6th
We had a short visit with Tricia, Lincoln, and Finn today. 

Day 97, Saturday, April 7th
Presley and Dad are home with souvenirs for everyone!

Day 98, Sunday, April 8th
It didn't take long to be right back to sibling noodle wars. 

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