Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2017)

Day 245, Sunday, September 3rd
A little swimming tonight.

Day 246, Monday, September 4th
On Labor Day, Ry and Presley were invited to go out with their friends on their boat. 

Day 247, Tuesday, September 5th
The smoke has cancelled all outdoor practices this week so Harper's coach was able to find an indoor location to use. 

Day 248, Wednesday, September 6th
Presley has been learning about space in science so Dave pulled a youtube video for them to watch. 

Day 249, Thursday, September 7th
Racing down our driveway tonight. 

Day 250, Friday, September 8th
The kids rode the bus home for the first time this year. 

Day 251, Saturday, September 9th
 A win today for the Cobras. 

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