Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2017)

Day 238, Sunday, August 27th
Lots of love for baby Finn

Day 239, Monday, August 28th
Harper's Back to School Brunch

Day 240, Tuesday, August 29th
Summer would not be complete without boobies made from 2 wiffle balls. 

Day 241, Wednesday, August 30th
Back to School...10th, 8th, 5th, and 2nd grades

Day 242, Thursday, August 31st
Ry had a scrimmage game today in Leavenworth

Day 243, Friday, September 1st
The first high school football game of the season. 
We told Ry and Harper they could walk to the concessions stand and get a treat. 
Ry came back with Cup o'Noodles. 

Day 244, Saturday, September 2nd
Presley and Harper wanted to watch Descendants 2 with me. 
They're dancing. 

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