Saturday, September 30, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 39 (2017)

Day 266, Sunday, September 24th
The days are definitely getting shorter, but we're still finding some time for swimming. 

Day 267, Monday, September 25th
At Presley's game, Harper stood and gave out high fives as the players went by. 

Day 268, Tuesday, September 26th
I volunteered to go on the Beauty of Bronze field trip with Rylan's class. 

Day 269, Wednesday, September 27th
Harper started a 3 day cheer camp at the high school after school today. 

Day 270, Thursday, September 28th
Teaching Logan the high school cheers. 

Day 271, Friday, September 29th
It was the Superhero Scramble today at Sunnyslope. 

And Harper got to cheer in the stands and go on the field for a dance at halftime of the football game tonight. 

Day 272, Saturday, September 30th
Ry had an away game today and won.
On the way out of the parking lot, Dave asked what crops grew in the fields behind Ry (the answer is hops).  Ry said, "weed?"

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38 (2017)

Day 259, Sunday, September 17th
A friend's painting birthday party. 

Day 260, Monday, September 18th
Presley's first game of the season. 

Day 261, Tuesday, September 19th
Happy Birthday to Dad #43. 

Day 262, Wednesday, September 20th
Harper's practice. 
Coach asked, "who's going to have the most fun?" and she raised her hand. 

Day 263, Thursday, September 21st
A little homework helper. 

Day 264, Friday, September 22nd
Presley had 2 friends stay the night tonight. 
They ate dinner, danced, and went to the football game. 

Day 265, Saturday, September 23rd
Ry's team wins today. 
That's Logan giving him a high five. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37 (2017)

Day 252, Sunday, September 10th
Harper helping me to prepare dinner. 

Day 253, Monday, September 11th
Open House night at Sunnyslope. 
I love how Harper's family included our dead cat Callie, and all of our ages.  Thank you Harper :).

Day 254, Tuesday, September 12th
I had a meeting at the high school and saw Logan's parking job. 
We had told him to try to pull through the parking lot for ease of getting out, so I was happy to see that he did that (at least this day). 

Day 255, Wednesday, September 13th
I had Presley's Open House tonight so Dave took Harper to her first game. 

Day 256, Thursday, September 14th
A late afternoon swim. 

Day 257, Friday, September 15th
I was in a spot without wi-fi connection for a short while.  
I did appreciate Logan's efforts at communication with me. 

Day 258, Saturday, September 16th
Harper's week-end game (they won and she got one goal).

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36 (2017)

Day 245, Sunday, September 3rd
A little swimming tonight.

Day 246, Monday, September 4th
On Labor Day, Ry and Presley were invited to go out with their friends on their boat. 

Day 247, Tuesday, September 5th
The smoke has cancelled all outdoor practices this week so Harper's coach was able to find an indoor location to use. 

Day 248, Wednesday, September 6th
Presley has been learning about space in science so Dave pulled a youtube video for them to watch. 

Day 249, Thursday, September 7th
Racing down our driveway tonight. 

Day 250, Friday, September 8th
The kids rode the bus home for the first time this year. 

Day 251, Saturday, September 9th
 A win today for the Cobras. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35 (2017)

Day 238, Sunday, August 27th
Lots of love for baby Finn

Day 239, Monday, August 28th
Harper's Back to School Brunch

Day 240, Tuesday, August 29th
Summer would not be complete without boobies made from 2 wiffle balls. 

Day 241, Wednesday, August 30th
Back to School...10th, 8th, 5th, and 2nd grades

Day 242, Thursday, August 31st
Ry had a scrimmage game today in Leavenworth

Day 243, Friday, September 1st
The first high school football game of the season. 
We told Ry and Harper they could walk to the concessions stand and get a treat. 
Ry came back with Cup o'Noodles. 

Day 244, Saturday, September 2nd
Presley and Harper wanted to watch Descendants 2 with me. 
They're dancing. 

First Day Back to School (8-30-17)

Wednesday, August 30th was the kids' first day back to school. 

Presley was being so careful not to get toothpaste on her shirt. 

Logan--16 years old
Presley--14 years old
Rylan--10 1/2 years old
Harper--8 years old

The kids had a few extra minutes before we needed to leave so they scootered around the driveway. 
I tried to tell Logan this could be his new mode of transportation to school...
but he was pretty excited to drive himself this morning. 
We called Logan as he was driving to school (he has hands free phone connection through his car) and he said the traffic was moving slowly, but he was doing okay. 

Dropping off Presley first.

Then we drove back to Sunnyslope. 
We asked Ry what song he wanted to listen to...
"Eye of the Tiger"

It was a smoky day so they had indoor recess..Boo!
School Friends!
I wanted to meet the new secretary so I walked in the school for pick up today. 
They had good days!

Ry giving me the I Love You sign on the 2nd day of school.