Monday, March 6, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2017)

Day 57, Sunday, February 26th
2017 Washington State Gold Division Cup Champions

A big cheering crowd for Ry at his basketball tournament

Day 58, Monday, February 27th
Happy Birthday Ry-Bear

Day 59, Tuesday, February 28th
I took the car through the car wash while we waited for Rylan's violin practice to end. 
She's never been a fan of a car wash. 

Day 60, Wednesday, March 1st
Tickle Time

Day 61, Thursday, March 2nd
Papa Nelson e-mailed this picture, thinking that was Logan on the right. 
It's not (we can tell by the shoes), but it does show what the field looked like those first days of try-outs. 

Day 62, Friday, March 3rd
We still have a little bit of snow out in the front. 
Harper made us a family of snowmen after school. 

Day 63, Saturday, March 4th
Logan got in trouble today for using our I-Tunes log-in and making a purchase. 
He needed to come up with $15 to pay us back and get his phone back. 
I came upstairs and this was on the kitchen counter. 
Smart Ass!

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