Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 10 (2017)

Day 64, Sunday,  March 5th
These two playing with SnapChat filters.
(these glasses reminded me of Papa)

Day 65, Monday, March 6th
Poor Presley had to wait 45 minutes for me, cold and wet after swimming practice, because of a wreck on the bridge headed into town.  

Day 66, Tuesday, March 7th
The six of us off to Disneyland (you can just see Miryn to the right of Harper)

Day 67, Wednesday, March 8th
Cart-wheeling into Disneyland this morning. 

Day 68, Thursday, March 9th
Gaston told Ry he needed to eat 2 dozen eggs each day if he wanted to look like him. 

Day 69, Friday, March 10th
Character breakfast for Tona's birthday before we left. 

Day 70, Saturday, March 11th
A rainy afternoon for soccer but it was sure good to see Logan play again. 
They won 8-0 so he didn't have a whole lot of action. 

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