Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Valentine's Day

I snapped a quick picture before school because I wasn't sure if they would all be together this evening. 

I asked for Ry's opinion before I ordered these shirts and he wanted the Minecraft one. 
He picked out this shirt for Harper to wear. 

Our Valentines this year...
What do snowmen call their fancy Valentine's Day dance?
A Snow Ball
with a Hostess snowball attached.

The kids had a little gift pile when they got home from school

Logan brought me a Valentine's Day card he made in Spanish class today. 

Even Dave came home with a Valentine envelope filled with goodies from the hospital staff. 

Ry received this mustache in his school Valentines box and he wore it the rest of the night. 
We dropped off Presley at her call back audition for The Lion King, took Ry to basketball practice, and then went to the varsity boys basketball game because Mr. Blair asked Logan to work at it tonight.

(Logan on the right)
The Panthers did win this playoff game tonight with a last second shot. 

We ended the night with some very special baby news...

Danny and Tricia found out that Lincoln's little brother will be arriving in early July.

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