Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ry's 10th Birthday

How is my little man a whole decade old?
Two whole hands?

Your birthday fell on a Monday this year so I was able to bring treats to your class today. 
We made little bags with Apple juice, a bouncy ball, and a punch balloon for your classmates. 

Mrs. Baier asked you to pick two friends to help you pass them out, and you picked 2 girls. 
When I asked to take your picture with your friends, you put your arms around them. 

All your friend were signing happy birthday to you here. 

You had to be patient today and wait for both swim practice and soccer practice to be over. 
You wanted to have ginger pasta for dinner tonight. 
You picked out your cake--white cake, chocolate filling, and white frosting. 
You specifically wanted a computer on the top. 

Dad helped you read cards. 

Dad came around the corner carrying your very own laptop computer. 
Logan helped you get set up to play Roblox and Minecraft.

Happy 10th birthday my love!

Rylan's 10th Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color?  Gold
What is your favorite sport?  Soccer
What is your favorite food?  Ginger Pasta
What is your favorite book?  The Michael Vey series
What do you want to be when you grow up?  The greatest soccer or basketball player
What's your favorite thing to do in school?  Read
What are you scared of?  Snakes
Where would you like to visit?  Pasadena, California
What do you like to do with Logan?  Soccer training
What do you like to do with Presley?  Play the Griever game
What do you like to do with Harper?  Play tag
What was the best thing about being 9?  The day after I turned 9 we went to Disneyland
What are you looking forward to as a 10 year old?  I'm getting a little older
What makes you happy?  Being with my family
What do you love about your family?  We are so nice and funny.

Fastbreak Frenzy and Washington State Cup

Harper and I drove to Spokane on Friday evening so we wouldn't have too much further to go for Grandma's funeral on Saturday morning. 

A basketball parent offered to take Ry to the Tri-Cities on Saturday for his 3 games in the Fastbreak Frenzy tournament. 
Harper and I drove to the Tri-Cities after the funeral. 
We didn't make it in time to see any games, but we stayed the night and went together to his last game on Sunday. 

Dave, Logan, and Presley went to the Washington Cup in Ravensdale for 2 soccer games. 

Ry lost all of his games this week-end. 
It's tough to be on a losing team.

But lots of fans help a little...
Sunday morning, lots of family showed up to watch Ry score one free throw point.

Ry and Miryn walking out to the car.

We all went out to breakfast for a little pre-birthday celebration for Rylan. 
I startet to feel sick so instead of heading straight home, i went and laid down at Grandma and Papa's house. 
Amy and Aly picked up Ry and Harper and took them to the Trampoline Park, which was an unexpected and special treat. 
Alyson treated them to Dutch Bros...another special treat. 
I was feeling much better and we got back to Wenatchee about 5. 

Dave, Logan and Harper spent the weekend in Ravensdale. 
His first game was against the Issaquah Gunners, who eliminated them from the tournament last year. 
But this year, we got the win 2-0. 
On to the Cup Championship on Sunday. 

They played the Titans for the championship. 
We had played them once before and won 3-1. 
Logan had some excellent saves and got the shut out win 3-0. 
Washington Cup Champions once again!
With his coach, Ramiro.
Logan punching the ball out on a corner kick.
(Another dad texted this to Dave)

High school soccer tryouts started the next day so this was a great end to Logan's club season. 

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 8 (2017)

Day 50, Sunday, February 19th
Ry had a round robin tournament in Wenatchee today. 
They won one game and lost two. 
Logan had a game in Yakima. 
This was supposed to be a home game, but all of our fields are still covered in snow. 
Yakima had the equipment to remove snow and made a field available to us. 
(you can see the snow pile behind the team)
They won today 4-0,  and headed to the Washington Cup semi-finals next weekend in Seattle.

Day 51, Monday, February 20th
Presley's 13 1/2 birthday today.
She wanted 1/2 doughnuts this morning. 

Day 52, Tuesday, February 21st
All the girls in stripes and curls today. 

Day 53, Wednesday, February 22nd
Dave has been filling in on Troy's bowling team this year. 
He bowled a 212 earlier this month so he got a new line embroidered on his shirt. 
This is just a funny joke among the bowling team. 

Day 54, Thursday, February 23rd
Harper is 7 1/2 today. 
She chose 1/2 cupcakes from Cupcake Blues for a dinner treat. 

Day 55, Friday, February 24th 
Presley is doing a service project for school and had to come to Sunnyslope to present. 
I picked her up from school and brought her to eat lunch with Rylan's class.

Day 56, Saturday, February 25th
Rylan had a basketball tournament in Tri-Cities that started today. 
We sent him with a teammate and I met him there after Great Grandma's funeral. 

Celebrated the life and legacy of Margaret Legard's 106 years!

Great (Great) Grandma Legard

On Saturday, February 18th, our Great Grandma Margaret Legard passed away. 
She was 106 years old. 

I loved her sweet smile and fun laugh.   
I loved their green house in Coeur d'Alene with the big rock out front that we climbed as kids. 
I loved that she wrote letters in cursive.
I loved that Papa Berries called her every day at 4 and that she liked my mom's cookies.
I love that she crocheted and read books with large font. 
I love that she watched her stocks and knew her financial portfolio. 
I loved that she remembered all of you kids' names when we visited her.

Her service was in Couer d'Alene on Saturday, February 25th

Amy and Alyson both did readings during her service. 

Harper was with me and she did so good during the long service. 
She drew on a piece of paper she found near the bibles in front of us. 
She copied "Scribble Paper for our Little Catholics"

The funeral was led by Father Roger LaChance, who knew Grandma and Grandpa very well. 
I appreciated that he spoke so gently of her and Grandpa, remembering where they sat during Sunday services,  how Grandpa introduced her as "his bride, and how Grandma would slap his hand a little if he got out of line.  I loved that he visited with her at her assisted living home. Many times, he gently laid his hands on her casket, leaned down to talk to her, or gently rubbed the top.

Father spoke of her happy and fulfilled life, even with such humble beginnings. 
He spoke of all the places they had lived, creating this amazing life together. 
He reminded us that she has changed her address again, and now she's in heaven. 
He thanked her family for all of the visits. 
And reminded us that Margaret lives in all of us. 

I am so thankful for Margaret's example and legacy. 

Five generations with Logan. 

Five generations with Presley

At her 100th birthday party

During one of our visits at her assisted living residence. 

Summer 2013

Miryn's 5 generation picture (May 2014)

December 2011
She (age 101) was celebrating her son's 80th birthday!

Papa made this beautiful memorial video. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 7 (2017)

Day 43, Sunday, February 12th
A beautiful day for a soccer win in Shoreline. 
This was the first week-end of the Washington Cup, and they secured first place in their bracket. 

Day 44, Monday, February 13th
Harper finishing up her Valentines. 

Day 45, Tuesday, February 14th
My special loves!

Day 46, Wednesday, February 15th
We had a 2 hour delay and I needed to be out of the house early, so we went to the library and got some homework done.  Harper and I were working at another table. 

Day 47, Thursday, February 16th
Harper tried her best to teach her brothers how to cartwheel. 
I received this text from one of the parents that stayed and watched the auditions on the final night. 
Everyone had auditions on Monday, and then Presley had call backs on Tuesday and then again on Wednesday.
I always appreciate parent texts. 

Day 48, Friday, February 17th
Dave let Logan drive his truck for the first time tonight. 
They ran to Dairy Queen for a treat. 

Day 49, Saturday, February 18th
The official cast list for The Lion King came out early this morning. 
Presley was given the role of one of the hyenas. 
This lists has her as Banzai, but that was changed at the first practice.
She'll actually be Shenzi (Whoopi Goldberg's is the voice for this character in the movie version).
Presley was very excited about this part (and that she has an understudy..ha ha).