Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2016)

Day 169, Friday, June 17th
Flippin' for Friday!

Day 170, Saturday, June 18th
The boys went to see Warcraft, and we went to see Finding Dory tonight after Logan's soccer game. 

Day 171, Sunday, June 19th
Happy Father's Day

Day 172, Monday, June 20th
Dad, Presley, and Ry went to Ry's soccer ice cream party. 
Presley texted me this picture while I was in Redmond at Logan's game and told me that Ry's coach Jose had nice compliments for him. 

Day 173, Tuesday, June 21st
Regional Champions!

Day 174, Wednesday, June 22nd
Summer heat hasn't really hit Wenatchee yet, and we spent this chillier afternoon watching Angry Birds. 

Day 175, Thursday, June 23rd
Logan's team write up on the sports page in The Wenatchee World. 

Regional Champions!

We're Regional Champs!

After that penalty kick loss in the Washington State Cup, the boys were ready to take on some tough competition in another big tournament. 

The regional tournament was June 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st in Redmond at Sixty Acres Park. 
The played one game on Saturday and Sunday and won both games with no goals scored. 
We drove back home on Sunday evening. 
Harper, Logan, and I drove back over on Monday for a 6:30 game. 
Presley and Ry stayed home for a couple hours alone before Dave got home from work. 
Then they went to Rylan's end of the spring soccer season ice cream party. 

Monday's game was against Cosmos.  This team ended up winning the Washington State Cup back in April.  It was a great game that we led 4-0 until the last 10 minutes.  
I don't know what happened to the referee-ing after that, but there were many questionable calls, and a lot of yelling in Spanish on the sidelines
Cobras prevailed with a 4-3 win!!
We drove home this night, arriving back home close to 11. 

The championship game was on Tuesday at 3:00.
Luckily, Dave didn't have anything so we all were able to go and watch. 
Harper and Presley sat close together so Logan could put the seat down and stretch out his legs. 

Both teams walked out with the referees at the beginning of the game. 
Logan's always been easy to spot because of his bright goalie jersey, but now he's also usually the tallest (this day, the tallest of both teams and the refs)

I took some IPhone pictures during the game, but they weren't very good. 

It was 1-0 us at halftime.  And the final score was 2-0. 
It was a really good game, and Logan had lots of action. 
He had 2 very good saves. 

After the game, we walked across the sports complex to the trophy presentation. 
They're waiting for the team before them to finish up. 

Shaking hands with his coach after receiving his medal. 

Regional Champions!

Raising the trophy.

Logan and Colby
Logan and his coach Ramiro
(I looked back to see if I could find a picture of them together from a few years ago but I couldn't find one.  Logan used to be shorter than him.)

At the end of the game, the main referee came over to Dave to ask if the goalie was his son, Dave said yes and he complimented Dave on how well Logan played. 

We were walking back over to pick up our chairs after the trophy presentation and there were some officials inside that shelter to the left.  One of the men came out of that area as we were packing up and shook Logan's hand and told him he used to be a goalie and how impressed he was with Logan as he was watching him play.  

It was a happy ride home!

Thursday's newspaper had an article on the front page of the Sports section about their win.

Off to Aurora, Colorado in a month for the National are booked!

Happy Father's Day

We were a little rough looking to celebrate Father's Day this year. 
We had been at Logan's regional soccer tournament in Redmond and arrived back home at about 5:00.  Logan had won both Saturday and Sunday's games.  
(Before this picture, Logan was teasing Dad by standing on his tippy toes to try to be as tall as him, and I guess Harper was trying to do that too)

When I went looking for Presley's ear piercing pictures I found this. 
Father's Day 2010

We ordered pizza and watched the Cleveland Cavaliers win the NBA Championship game against the Golden State Warriors. 

We opened a few presents...the Lindholm's sent one of their favorite dads a pool toy. 
 Which sent these two to the pool to fight over it...

Rylan made this drawing on one of the last day of schools.  He included some Hershey kisses in the envelope. 
Dave wanted to know why he would be playing soccer in a leotard :). 

And Presley posted on her Instagram.
(Dave hasn't coached Presley in soccer for several years and I thought that response from _scar_ was very sweet.  Presley knew who that was.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 24 (2016)

Day 162, Friday, June 10th
Last day of school!

Day 163, Saturday, June 11th
Harper gets her ears pierced. 

Day 164, Sunday, June 12th
Logan went to a graduation party with his soccer teammates. 
Can't wait to watch high school soccer with this group. 

Day 165, Monday, June 13th
Harper had a playdate, and her friend and her friends' sister brought these mermaid fins over for us to use.   
A dream come true for these two who play "Mermaids" in the pool almost daily. 

Day 166, Tuesday, June 14th
Ry leading his soccer team in practice warm ups. 

Day 167, Wednesday, June 15th
Presley practicing her pool dunks. 

Day 168, Thursday, June 16th
Less than a week out of school and they're playing "school". 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Harper gets her ears pierced

Both Presley and Harper chose to get their ears pierced after they finished their kindergarten year.  

Harper's day to get hers done was Saturday, June 11, 2016

We got to Claire's and they gave her a bear to hold.
The lady marked her ears while Ry and Presley looked on. 
They were able to do both ears at once. 
That moment I'm thankful they can do both at the same time. 
Harper didn't cry, just made this expression. 
Ry was the first to go right to her and check it out. 
Then Presley showed her her cute green birthstones Harper picked out. 
They gave her a lollipop and the mirror to check herself out. 

We let her choose 3 other pairs for when she can take these studs out. 

A look back...

Harper on the day Presley had her ears pierced!
Getting ready...
Holding a bear too...
Presley all finished!

 Two special end of the kindergarten year memories!

Logan's 8th grade ceremony

I texted this picture to Logan to remind him what him and his friends looked like just 3 years ago on the last day of 5th grade. 

The eighth grade ceremony started at 10:30. 
Logan walked in with his friend Abby. 
I don't know if he saw me.
Some of the 6th and 7th graders were chanting Logan, Logan 
and he was laughing at them. 

He was in the very front row so I couldn't see him at all. 
They did awards and a slide show, but they didn't announce each 8th graders name. 
It was very low-key. 

After they walked out, we met our kids in the cafeteria.
Logan and Colby

Logan left with his group of friends and walked to Dutch Bros.
and I picked him up a little while later. 

Four of them came back to our house. 
Logan, Rhett, Cameron, and Colby

They swam (with Harper too)

And then they walked to Big Lots for treats. 
Then they came back and sat outside for a long time.

They had pizza, swam some more, and they all stayed the night. 

It was a good way to end these friends' middle school days!

Last Day of School: June 10th, 2016

We wrapped up another school year today!

A look back at the first day of school (9/2/15)
And the last day (6/10/16)
(Logan had to look nice for the 8th grade ceremony)

We had doughnuts this morning. 
Logan got a purple one because he'll be sporting purple and gold for the next 4 years. 

I took a few pictures before we left. 
Logan being a goof hoping I wouldn't notice he's holding Ry's sign. 
Ry thought this was so funny so he ran back in for Presley's sign. 
Monkey see, monkey do for those 2. 

Our soon to be 7th grader. 
Our two elementary kids...ready for 1st and 4th grade. 

Off we went for the last time this school year!

We dropped off the Sunnyslope kids first. 
Ry has shown me the "I Love You" sign for 179 days, but he was carrying his teacher's gifts so he just gave us a smile. 
Harper decided to blow us a kiss. 
(that's Logan giving her the I Love You sign)

Then I made the Foothills stop...
they are ready for a school break. 
Logan met up with a group of friends as they were walking in. 

Harper was sporting this hat when we picked her up...

We all survived another year and we're all ready for some summer fun!