Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 18 (2016)

Day 120, Friday, April 29th
I took Presley and her two friends out for pedicures after their yearbook meeting today. 

Day 121, Saturday, April 30th
Parade Walking 
Shot Blocking

Day 122, Sunday, May 1st
Delivering May Day baskets to the hospital. 

Day 123, Monday, May 2nd
Our pool has a leak (they think maybe in the light area) so we had to drain it. 
These two got in the deep end and practiced writing their names.

Day 124, Tuesday, May 3rd
I volunteered at Harper's class today. 
My flower is red.  It is a tulip.  My flower is beautiful. 

Day 125, Wednesday, May 4th
Presley finished her acting class tonight and they did a short performance. 

Day 126, Thursday, May 5th
I went with Rylan's class on a field trip. 
They're learning about Native Americans and pictographs. 
This is his pictograph of "old man beware". 
(you can kind of see he's walking hunched over with a cane).

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