Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2016)

Day 141, Friday, May 20th
I went on Harper's kindergarten field trip today. 
 Harper and I joined Rylan 3 years ago too...this field trip used to be in the fall so this pic is at the start of Ry's kinder year, as opposed to the end of the year for Harper. 
(Harper doing her tree picture in 2012, 
and in 2016)

Day 142, Saturday, May 21st
The landscapers worked today to lay the sod. 

Day 143, Sunday, May 22nd
Dave took Logan to a Surf Training in Ellensburg. 
They had a long break between sessions so they walked a bit of the campus. 
Mom and Dad's meeting spot :)

Day 144, Monday, May 23rd
Harper had a friend over after school. 
He got stuck in the rocks trying to retrieve Harper's bad Frisbee toss. 

Day 145, Tuesday, May 24th
Saying good-bye at drop off. 

Day 146, Wednesday, May 25th
Presley carrying in her ASB officer sign. 
She didn't win this year.

Day 147, Thursday, May 26th
My very last picture for the yearbook. 
2015-2016 Schoolwide Picture

And it was the opening night of "Seussical the Musical".
Grandma, Papa, and Amy drove up to see her as Thing 1

Monday, May 23, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 20 (2016)

Day 134, Friday, May 13th
Presley, Harper and I had tickets to see Mary Poppins tonight. 

Day 135, Saturday, May 14th
Rylan had a play date. 
These three were all holding hands going in...I"m not sure what happened to Harper. 

Day 136, Sunday, May 15th
Deep water jumper

Day 137, Monday, May 16th
Little landscaping going in this week. 

Day 138, Tuesday, May 17th
Logan's first Foothills soccer game of the season. 

Day 139, Wednesday, May 18th
Presley had her district wide art show and choir concert tonight. 
Presley's teacher chose one of her art pieces to be on display. 
While Presley sang, Harper and 2 friends danced. 

Day 140, Thursday, May 19th
Rylan had his district wide track meet today. 
This was the 4 x 100 relay race and his team placed 3rd in this event. 
He also ran the 200 and 800 meters and did the standing long jump. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 19 (2016)

Day 127, Friday,  May 6th
Harper wanted to wear earrings today at school. 
These are a clip on pair. 
I think Grandma Berries would have been happy. 

Day 128, Saturday, May 7th
Taking Grandma to see The Jungle Book

Day 129, Sunday, May 8th
Mother's Day

Day 130, Monday, May 9th
I was desperate for a cut and color today. 
It's funny to get your hair done on a Monday afternoon. 
There are lots of little old ladies getting their weekly "do" at this time. 

Day 131, Tuesday, May 10th
Harper run through the tunnel after her soccer game. 

Day 132, Wednesday, May 11th
Ry's track and field meet at his school.
He won the 200 yd. dash.
His team also won their relay event. 
I missed his long jump event. 

Day 133, Thursday, May 12th
Logan had soccer after school and Presley went with a friend. 
These two had the pool all to themselves. 
Logan named Presley's floatie, "Daquan the Swan". 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day

I think this whole spring could be summed up with the phrase "Divide and Conquer",
and Mother's Day was no exception.

Luckily, Saturday we were all together. 
Dad BBQ'ed steaks for dinner and we took Grandma Nelson (and papa too) out to see The Jungle Book. 

We got home when it was still light out and Harper decided she was ready to try riding her bike with no training wheels. 
Woo Hoo!! Mission Accomplished!!

Sunday was Mother's Day and Presley and Harper brought me eggs and toast in bed. 

Where is a for sure place to put a card for your mom to see? 
In the laundry room of course :). 

Ry gave me this cute picture..

Cards with messages are my favorite. 

Dave and Logan were out the door pretty early because he was playing in the Apple Blossom 3 on 3 basketball tournament at the college. 
Garrett, Thomas, Logan, and Carter
They were coached by high school basketball players (who also acted like their agents).

After I dropped off Ry for his warm ups, I ran up to the college to watch one of Logan's games. 
They had to play skins this game because the other team was in white T's too. 

They lost their very first game, and ended up winning 5 straight to make it to the quarterfinals before losing.  It was just for fun and Logan had a good time. 

Rylan had a home game for soccer. 
They won easily and his coach bought all the moms flowers. 

While I was at Ry's game, Presley made a cake. 
She's never done this before on her own and my first thought was, "'thank God she didn't burn the house down."

Amy, Samee, and Tricia texted with me. 
Miryn 2 1/2
Tricia and Lincoln 

Mylee sure wrote a nice note about her mom and posted it on Instagram. 
And I also saw that Presley did the same for me...
We were all home by 6:00 and we headed out to eat dinner together. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 18 (2016)

Day 120, Friday, April 29th
I took Presley and her two friends out for pedicures after their yearbook meeting today. 

Day 121, Saturday, April 30th
Parade Walking 
Shot Blocking

Day 122, Sunday, May 1st
Delivering May Day baskets to the hospital. 

Day 123, Monday, May 2nd
Our pool has a leak (they think maybe in the light area) so we had to drain it. 
These two got in the deep end and practiced writing their names.

Day 124, Tuesday, May 3rd
I volunteered at Harper's class today. 
My flower is red.  It is a tulip.  My flower is beautiful. 

Day 125, Wednesday, May 4th
Presley finished her acting class tonight and they did a short performance. 

Day 126, Thursday, May 5th
I went with Rylan's class on a field trip. 
They're learning about Native Americans and pictographs. 
This is his pictograph of "old man beware". 
(you can kind of see he's walking hunched over with a cane).

Monday, May 2, 2016

Washington Cup 2016

 Amy texted in a  group message that this picture came up in her time hop feed 3 years ago. 

We were all so excited for Logan to have the opportunity to play in the Washington Cup in Lacey. 
He was very confident all week long, and having a great Qualifier week-end really boosted his spirits.
They played Issaquah Gunners on Saturday at 6. 
(The Gunners coach is also Logan's Surf Academy coach.  The Gunners goalie is a Surf goalie, and several of their players are on Surf with Logan. In retrospect,  I really think Logan wanted to play well and impress his Surf coach and teammates)

Logan was busy from the get-go.  Dave texted me within a minute that Logan had a one on one situation and played it just right.  The Cobras took an early 1-0 lead, and offensively dominated the first half.  

Logan was getting good, hard quality shots on him throughout the game, and he blocked all of them.  
He really did play a very good game. 
That lead lasted until 10 minutes left in the game.  

And Logan made this fingertip save...
(Photo Credit Kelly Gillin)

This amazing save set the Gunners up for a corner kick.
The Gunners scored.  It was 1-1.  
I was afraid it would go into penalty kicks. 
And it did. 
Dave Face-Timed me so I could watch live. 

Each team's players scored their first 2 shots.
The Gunners goalie blocked our 3rd shot.
And our 4th shooter missed his penalty kick. 
Game over.

I know Dad was upset because he just hung up on me. 

I did learn later that his Surf coach, the other Surf goalie, and the Surf players came up to him after the game and told him how well he played and that they would see him in California (I did think this was very nice, but Logan was pretty ticked off and brushed them off pretty quickly).

Dad said it was a long walk back to the truck. 

I tried to call when I thought they would be at the hotel but Dave texted me that Logan didn't want to talk.  Inside, my feelings were kind of hurt, but I didn't try to reach out to him. 
They went out to dinner with the team. 
Dave called me later while Logan was in the shower to give me his take on the game, Logan's play, what happened, but the bottom line was that Logan was sad and mad,  and we had lost. 

It reminded me of this moment...
Logan's first tournament was a loss too. 
And he cried when it was over. 
(I will never forget this mom telling Logan that it would all be okay and it wasn't his fault.  This mom's son still plays with Logan)

Dave said Logan did make it to the truck before he cried this time. 
He just wanted this win so badly and he played so well and it just didn't happen. 

They made it home on Sunday just a little bit before I had to leave to Othello for Rylan's game. 
I wasn't sure of how Logan would be feeling and act towards us (teenager emotions can be tricky). 
But he turned the corner with his arms wide open and I came in for the biggest, tightest 14 year old hug ever.  (Logan is so tall that my head was resting on his chest) 
He didn't cry, but he let me hold him for a long time and I told him how sorry I was and how proud I am of him, and how there are lessons to be learned in loss too.  
I really think Dave spoke the right words to him 16 hours earlier, but there sure was a lot of love packed in that hug. 
It was a very sweet moment for this mom. 

And today...
he's back to training because he's got another tournament in 3 weeks to prepare for.