Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Day: November 27th

After the turkey trot this morning we came home and started getting ready.  
The kids joined me in my bed to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. 
Someday I'm sure I'll miss having an audience as I get ready.

We went to Grandma and Papa Nelson's for a late lunch/early dinner. 

Notice the photo bomber in the first one I tried to take. 

With Grandma and Papa Nelson

My only dinner picture...Olive Hands

After dinner I thought Presley had fallen asleep, but she popped right up after this picture was taken. 
But Logan took a little snooze. 
While Ry and Harper ran and jumped off the family room steps. 

Logan snap chatted with friends and included a picture of me and Ry.
(Well, almost ry...the graphic covered his cute face)
Harper and Grandma rocked eachother. 

We drove home about 7, got ready for bed, and read our thankful notes. 
All month long our kitchen chalkboard has had the saying
"Have an Attitude of Gratitude" 
to remind them to write notes. 
These were some of our favorites. 
Deep Thoughts like...
"I'm thankful for signs because they lead you."
"I'm thankful for life because I'm in it"
"I like boobies"
(I kept the rest in our 2014 box)
Then Logan went to his backpack and pulled out a thankful letter, and he read it out loud to all of us.
What a sweet way to end our day of thankfulness!!

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