Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 43

Day 295, Wednesday, October 22nd
Logan had a loose braces bracket so I had to take him to his orthodontist.  His appointment was during his lunch time so I treated him to McDonald's.   Harper was at preschool so it was just me and him. 

Day 296, Thursday, October 23rd
Ry had one last make-up soccer game.  He scored this shot off a corner kick. 

Day 297, Friday, October 24th
It was Wenatchee High School's Homecoming Night and I thought Harper would like to see the pretty girls in their pretty dresses.  It rained and rained ALL GAME LONG and she fell asleep before halftime.  We couldn't leave because Logan was begging us to stay so he could walk around with his friends.  Ry cuddled with Dave and kept the hot cocoa's coming.  Presley was at a friend's birthday party. 

Day 298, Saturday, October 25th
We went to Smallwood's Harvest Farms to pick out our pumpkins. 

Day 299, Sunday, October 26th
We carved jack o'lanterns after Logan's soccer game in Hayden, ID.

Day 300, Monday, October 27th
Ha!! Harper's writing is really good for Pre K (she copied these words). 
She does not lack in the confidence department. 

Day 301, Tuesday, October 28th
We have this weird 1/2 hour between dropping off Logan at school and Harper's school starting.  
Today we sat together in the driver's seat and Harper played with the sun roof's automatic opener. 

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