Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 40

Day 274, Wednesday, October 1
Ry was up dressed and ready to go for school early so he read independently for a few minutes on the chair.  I love that he's such a good reader. 

Day 275, Thursday, October 2nd
Oh dear, Presley came home with her 5th grade recorder and practiced Hot Cross Buns.
Over and Over. 
Lord help us all. 

Day 276, Friday, October 3rd
Dinner out at Red Robin.

Day 277, Saturday, October 4th
Ry's soccer game.  They won. 

Day 278, Sunday, October 5th
These four were playing "camp out" on the trampoline. 

Day 279, Monday, October 6th
Foundation being poured today. 

Day 280, Tuesday, October 7th
Ry went and collected boxes from UPS, opened them up, and then laid out Logan's new shoes on the stairs with a handwritten sticky note so he'd see them when he came home from soccer practice.   

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