Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37

Day 253, Wednesday, September 10th
The day after your husband spends a big chunk of money is the day you'll get a lot of sweet texts. 
This went on and on ALL. DAY. LONG.

Day 254, Thursday, September 11th
Ry doing his reading with me.  I'm so impressed with what he retained over the summer. 

Day 255, Friday, September 12th
Went by the lot today and found our builder had put up his sign. 

Day 256, Saturday, September 13th
Hanging out in the sun at Presley's soccer game. 

Day 257, Sunday, September 14th
Heading over to Issaquah for Logan's 2nd game of the season. 
The Cobras are undefeated so far, winning Saturday 5-3 and Sunday 3-2. 

Day 258, Monday, September 15th
Boarding our plane to Arizona!!

Day 259, Tuesday, September 16th
The moment One Direction took the stage. 
(My hearing may or may not still be recovering)

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