Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35

Day 239, Wednesday, August 27th

Rylan's Half Birthday
We celebrated with 1/2 doughnuts from Glaze.
I took his chalkboard picture after his soccer scrimmage game tonight, hence the red cheeks. 

Day 240, Thursday, August 28th
Meet the Teacher Night at Sunnyslope.
We arrived early because PTSA was in charge of the Root Beer Social.

Day 241, Friday, August 29th
 Presley accidentally locked us all out of the house but Dave thought our bedroom window would be unlocked.  He was right, so Logan climbed through and opened up the front door for us all. 

Day 242, Saturday, August 30th
Harper, Presley, and I  went to Pier One together and I looked down at our shadow and realized we were all holding hands. 

Day 243, Sunday, August 31st
Logan invited Colby and Riley for a sleep over.  We had finished dinner and Colby was showing Dave a monster singing game on his phone.  You can barely see Presley, but she's watching too. 

Day 244, Monday, September 1st
We spent our last day of summer break taking in a movie, Planes:  Fire and Rescue and going for one last swim at Cashmere Pool. 

Day 245, Tuesday, September 2nd
First Day of School for 3 out of the 4

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