Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1st Day of School for Harper: 9-3-14

Harper's First Day at Joyful Scholars
(It was PE day at Sunnyslope)

I was planning on walking her in to her school, but another little boy was having a hard time letting go of his parents so the teacher asked all of us parents to just go ahead and leave.  Harper was having no problems at all and we had already seen the classroom and met the teacher the night before.  

She had already made a friend in line. 

When I picked Harper up I asked her how her day went and she said she was fine, that she ate all of her snack.  She then told me that her friend was crying and that I asked her "well, what did you do?" and Harper said, "I held her hand".  

Amy posted this first day of school picture on Facebook...
Samee, Mom, Amy

so I thought it only appropriate that I make the Nelson kids re-enact. 

I did this on Tuesday the 2nd, but then I was sad that Harper wasn't in it.
So we did it again this morning. 
So thankful for kids that love their mama!!

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