Thursday, September 25, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 38

Day 260, Wednesday, September 17th
Catching some zzzz's on the plane ride home from Arizona.

Day 261, Thursday, September 18th
I leave for 3 days and came back to a little progress on the house. 

Day 262, Friday, September 19th
Happy 40th Birthday to our Daddy.

Day 263, Saturday, September 20th
Harper found another mommy to hang out with at Logan's game. 

Day 264, Sunday, September 21st
My boys went to the Seahawks/Broncos game. 
The Broncos lost in overtime. 

Day 265, Monday, September 22nd
Presley's first time playing soccer under the lights. 
She scored a goal on this break away. 

Day 266, Tuesday, September 23rd
Thoughtful Logan asked what he could do to help me out at bedtime so he got to brush Ry's teeth. Thankful for a helpful teenager. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 37

Day 253, Wednesday, September 10th
The day after your husband spends a big chunk of money is the day you'll get a lot of sweet texts. 
This went on and on ALL. DAY. LONG.

Day 254, Thursday, September 11th
Ry doing his reading with me.  I'm so impressed with what he retained over the summer. 

Day 255, Friday, September 12th
Went by the lot today and found our builder had put up his sign. 

Day 256, Saturday, September 13th
Hanging out in the sun at Presley's soccer game. 

Day 257, Sunday, September 14th
Heading over to Issaquah for Logan's 2nd game of the season. 
The Cobras are undefeated so far, winning Saturday 5-3 and Sunday 3-2. 

Day 258, Monday, September 15th
Boarding our plane to Arizona!!

Day 259, Tuesday, September 16th
The moment One Direction took the stage. 
(My hearing may or may not still be recovering)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 36

Day 246, Wednesday, September 3rd
Harper's First Day of Pre-K.
Her preschool's name is Joyful Scholars and they refer to 
her class as "The Little Scholars". 

Day 247, Thursday, September 4th
First Soccer Game.  
She scored 3 goals. 

Day 248, Friday, September 5th
Exhausting week, she's out on the ride home from preschool.

Day 249, Saturday, September 6th
Daddy and Rylan went to the Tri-Cities for two friendly soccer games, and these were his fans for the games. 
Ry played well and then Samee and Nate hosted a BBQ for Miryn's First Birthday. 

Day 250, Sunday, September 7th
Going through Presley's folder to get ready for the next week and saw this...
Who is your hero?
My older brother Logan

Day 251, Monday, September 8th
Uh-oh,  she picked up some bad germs from school...slept off and on throughout the day. 

Day 252, Tuesday, September 9th
Dave bought himself a new truck tonight. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 35

Day 239, Wednesday, August 27th

Rylan's Half Birthday
We celebrated with 1/2 doughnuts from Glaze.
I took his chalkboard picture after his soccer scrimmage game tonight, hence the red cheeks. 

Day 240, Thursday, August 28th
Meet the Teacher Night at Sunnyslope.
We arrived early because PTSA was in charge of the Root Beer Social.

Day 241, Friday, August 29th
 Presley accidentally locked us all out of the house but Dave thought our bedroom window would be unlocked.  He was right, so Logan climbed through and opened up the front door for us all. 

Day 242, Saturday, August 30th
Harper, Presley, and I  went to Pier One together and I looked down at our shadow and realized we were all holding hands. 

Day 243, Sunday, August 31st
Logan invited Colby and Riley for a sleep over.  We had finished dinner and Colby was showing Dave a monster singing game on his phone.  You can barely see Presley, but she's watching too. 

Day 244, Monday, September 1st
We spent our last day of summer break taking in a movie, Planes:  Fire and Rescue and going for one last swim at Cashmere Pool. 

Day 245, Tuesday, September 2nd
First Day of School for 3 out of the 4

1st Day of School for Harper: 9-3-14

Harper's First Day at Joyful Scholars
(It was PE day at Sunnyslope)

I was planning on walking her in to her school, but another little boy was having a hard time letting go of his parents so the teacher asked all of us parents to just go ahead and leave.  Harper was having no problems at all and we had already seen the classroom and met the teacher the night before.  

She had already made a friend in line. 

When I picked Harper up I asked her how her day went and she said she was fine, that she ate all of her snack.  She then told me that her friend was crying and that I asked her "well, what did you do?" and Harper said, "I held her hand".  

Amy posted this first day of school picture on Facebook...
Samee, Mom, Amy

so I thought it only appropriate that I make the Nelson kids re-enact. 

I did this on Tuesday the 2nd, but then I was sad that Harper wasn't in it.
So we did it again this morning. 
So thankful for kids that love their mama!!

1st day of school: Logan, Presley, and Rylan

Our summer came to a beautiful end on Labor Day,
and it was back to 8 AM start times on September 2nd. 

We had a really great summer but I was ready to 
be back on a schedule with a little structure. 

The kids were up and excited and ready to get to school. 

Presley:  5th grade, Rylan:  2nd grade, Logan:  7th grade


I didn't want to leave out Harper who kept trying to jump into every picture.

Loaded up and ready to go by 7:40
This is the second first day of school in a row that Dave hasn't had anything in the morning. 
I feel very lucky that it's worked out that way. 

We dropped off Logan first. 
Presley must have been watching him as he walked into the building because as we made our way out of the parking lot she said, "Logan found a friend.  I just saw him fist bump somebody". 
(Logan confirmed after school that it was Colby he met up with as they were walking in.)
Another cute Logan story:  He plays soccer with a boy that was having his first day of 6th grade.  At practice tonight, the mom came up to me and told me that her son was so nervous about going to 6th grade that he didn't sleep at all the night before.  After school, this boy told his mom about how Logan passed him in the hallway and said, "Hey Jackson" and that was one thing he shared when his mom asked how his day went.  

Then it was onto Sunnyslope

We dropped off Rylan first. 

As we were walking out of his room, Presley turned around for a quick hug. 

Then we made our way to Presley's 5th grade class.
The last year we'll walk her into her class. 
Presley was excited. 

After school the kids said they all had good days.  Logan really likes his schedule and he knew lots of kids in each of his classes, Presley's 3rd grade teacher commented on the owl shirt she was wearing (their theme through the year is owls), and Presley's teacher told her she was a good friend to the new students in her class, and Rylan got a popsicle and did a great job on his reading assignment tonight. 

So thankful for great, loving teachers. 
Awesome days all around.