Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 22

Day 148, Wednesday, May 28th

After school and I was showing Logan my new sunglasses.  He did not like them. 

Day 149, Thursday, May 29th
I had approximately 482 things to do today, but Harper got invited to a play date at the sprinkler park. 
When we pulled up Harper held my hand and said, "you are the most best mom in the world".
I think we'll survive if I forget to buy travel size toothpaste. 

Day 150, Friday, May 30th
Ready to roll.

Day 151, Saturday, May 31
My sweet family at Sea-Tac airport. 

Day 152, Sunday, June 1st
Our first morning in Maui (Honua Kai).
The view from our 6th floor deck.

Day 153, Monday, June 2nd
Dave got us a cabana for the day. 
It's been a long time since I looked over and saw him this relaxed. 

Day 154, Tuesday, June 3rd
We had our luau tonight but first, more ocean swimming. 

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